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Social/Cultural Activities

Gevarim offers these and other social and cultural activities throughout the year, open to all who are interested.

One Sunday night at 7:30pm almost every month

This series features Jewish-themed movies, followed by discussion. Films include the new and the old; dramas, comedies, and documentaries; those that take place in America, Israel, Europe, and other parts of the world; Israeli TV series; and Jewish history and culture. 

Two or three times a year

Tastings include selections of beer, kosher wine, and whiskey. Previously, most tastings are held on Shabbat afternoon at Rabbi and Rachel Seidel’s, house. Gevarim has also arranged tours of local distilleries and breweries.

Politics and Beer in the Sukkah
This popular event features some come combination of beer, liquor, cards, and conversation facilitated by a TI member who is an expert in politics. This coming year, the event will take place in October.

Game Night (with Kol Nashim) 
One Saturday each January

Congregants and friends bring games or pick from TI's large collection. The evening is free with snacks and drinks provided.

Sat, May 4 2024 26 Nisan 5784